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The process of a curatorship application
Read more: The process of a curatorship applicationThere are various reasons why someone would need to be appointed to safeguard another’s affairs, ranging from financial, personal or otherwise. This need could arise due to mental illness, physical disability, or illness set on by old age. Whatever the […]
Bad Neighbours
Read more: Bad NeighboursLiving next to neighbours can present any homeowner with a challenge. Whether neighbours are difficult or not, there may be times of conflict and of disputes, and it is helpful to be aware of the law and how it deals […]
Read more: BEWARE THE SELLERProperty sellers should not rely on the “blind protection” of the voetstoets clause if they don’t have approved building plans. There is a growing legal shift away from the protective blanket of voetstoets for second-hand property sellers with illegal or […]
Bad Neighbours
Read more: Bad NeighboursLiving next to neighbours can present any homeowner with a challenge. Whether neighbours are difficult or not, there may be times of conflict and of disputes, and it is helpful to be aware of the law and how it deals […]
Read more: BEWARE THE SELLERProperty sellers should not rely on the “blind protection” of the voetstoets clause if they don’t have approved building plans. There is a growing legal shift away from the protective blanket of voetstoets for second-hand property sellers with illegal or […]